Saturday, July 6, 2013

Design a "Light Screen"

Assignment 1
Watch the following video from  Choose a window in the school you would like to create a "Light Screen" for.  Once your work is complete and installed on the window, photograph it with the iPad and upload it to the class gallery Light Screens.

Assignment 2
Post to this blog entry regarding your Light Screen Design.  Please consider some of the following questions in your post:

  • Did your design utilize geometric or organic shapes?  Why?
  • What window did you choose and why?  
  • What colors did you use in your design?
  • How does your design interact or tie-in with the natural world outside of the window - or does it tie-in with something completely different?
  • How should your design make the viewer feel?  Why?


  1. Cool assignment. I can't wait to know how your students respond when you implement these lessons next school year.

  2. Good assignment that uses glass in a unique way. Good thought-provoking questions that should garner some good responses.

  3. I really really hope to see pictures of the students designs for the windows! This is a great lesson for relevance and relationships allowing the students to connect with the art techniques as they design something for their own school! Also the questions are great! Common core really wants students thinking about their audience when discussing their learning and you have them thinking about their viewers feelings, a great way to incorporate critical thinking and reflection.

  4. I am with Danielle. I want to see some pictures. What an awesome lesson. Huntington High has some big windows. :)

  5. Super cool lesson! The kids will have a wonderful time creating these light screens, I'm sure you will get creative work from them! Look forward to seeing the pictures too!

  6. I absolutely love this lesson idea and can't wait to try it with my students. The book she showed at the beginning of the video, "Frank Lloyd Wright for Kids", can be checked out from the library downtown. It has lots of lesson ideas based on his work.

  7. The students are going to be all over this lesson, I also like that your previous blog post gives the students background on light screens.
