Monday, April 22, 2013

Magnifying Glass

In addition to your post regarding the question posed by the video, 
please do the following:
 -  Examine some of the marbles available in class.
-  Choose one that interests you the most.
-  Use your magnifying glass to create a detailed
drawing of your marble.
-  Photograph your drawing with the Ipad and upload it to the
picasa gallery titled Magnified Study

Sunday, April 21, 2013

An artist should always sign their work, regardless of the medium in which they work (ex pencil, ink, charcoal, paints, ceramics, etc.)  In the realm of glass making, the artists or company/manufacturers signature is known as a "Glass Mark".

Please respond to the following:

  • If you were a glassmaker, what would the name of your company be?  Would the name reflect parts of your own name, the region in which you are making it, or something completely different?  Why? 
  • What are some benefits of signing your work?
  • Go to and look at how some glasshouses signed their work. Design your own Glass Mark and upload it to this post in addition to your response to the questions above.  

Sunday, April 14, 2013

1. How has the development of glass made a difference in your life?

2. How has the creation of glass affected art as a means of creation or expression?

3. What are 2 roles glass plays in your life?  Would you consider these to be created with
 the intention of aesthetics, historical reference, functionality, or nonfunctional? Why?

Week 1

This blog will be used as a tool to facilitate student learning experiences relating to the art of glass making in the state of West Virginia.  The information posted will cover both WV Art Content Standards and Objectives as well as cross-curricular objectives in physical sciences and West Virginia Studies.  Students will occasionally be required to blog regarding this sites contents either onsite or in the classroom - depending on availability of individual student accounts.  Student artwork will also be shared via picasa web albums.